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Introducing Seamless.AI Everywhere Salesforce!

headshot of Sidney Jones
Sidney Jones
March 10, 2023
woman working on a laptop utilizing the seamless everywhere salesforce chrome extension

If you are already using Seamless.AI with Salesforce, you will love our latest product expansion with Seamless.AI Everywhere for Salesforce! 

Seamless.AI Everywhere takes our Chrome Extension’s convenience, speed, and efficiency to the tenth power! If you want to work faster, save more time, and get access to more data than ever, you are in luck!

A Refresher on the Seamless.AI Chrome Extension

As you may already know, the best way to use Seamless.AI is with our Chrome Extension

Our Chrome extension is a prospecting dream paired with LinkedIn. You can pull up the contact information of key targets directly from their LinkedIn profile and instantly enter it into your CRM integration in seconds.

All of our users can continue flooding their pipeline with leads through the Chrome Extension. 

Related: A New and Improved Chrome Experience; Installing and Setting Up the Chrome Extension With Seamless.AI

What Is Seamless.AI Everywhere Salesforce?

Salesforce users can now leverage Seamless.AI Everywhere Salesforce (completely free), which means not only will you be able to use the Chrome Extension anywhere online, but now you can use it directly in your Salesforce CRM. With Seamless.AI Everywhere, Seamless.AI icons (AKA the "Find" button) are ultra-targeted to help you better identify leads. 

In addition to the expanded company and contact profile coverage, users will also notice new functionalities and designs to better track researched contacts and saved companies. 

To start leveraging Seamless.AI Everywhere Salesforce, make sure your Chrome Extension is installed and integrated. If you don't have the extension, download it at our web store.

Once you log into your Salesforce app, instead of seeing find buttons, you will see Seamless.AI icons injected into contacts, companies, and websites (across the account and contact pages for Salesforce users) that will open up the corresponding company or contact profile.

Related: Connecting Your Salesforce Account

Seamless.AI Everywhere Right-Click

In addition to all the helpful functionalities you have directly within Salesforce, you can also use our right-click feature to get contact information and insights anywhere you go online. Whether you're on LinkedIn or a company website, if there's a professional you're interested in learning more about, simply highlight their name with your cursor, right-click, and Seamless.AI will research them and deliver lead insights in seconds.

Related: Seamless.AI Everywhere Right-Click

How Will Seamless.AI Everywhere Salesforce Benefit Me?

The expanded profile coverage and functionalities mean that Salesforce users will enjoy a smoother Chrome Extension experience, with greater control over your prospecting. They’ll also be better able to locate contact and company data, saving (on average) 50-100% more time per prospecting workflow session.

With Seamless.AI Everywhere Salesforce, spend less time on the work that makes you ZERO dollars, like researching contacts and companies and importing data into your CRM, and get back more selling time. 

This feature additionally gives users the chance to flesh out contact and company profiles with pitch intelligence and the most accurate contact data on the market (more data, more opportunity).

How Can I Start Using Seamless.AI Everywhere Salesforce?

If you already have an account with Seamless.AI, you’ve downloaded our Chrome Extension, and you’re interested in using Seamless.AI Everywhere, but you have questions, contact our support team, and we’ll help you get ready to make 2023 your best year yet!

And if you’re not a Salesforce user, don’t worry! You can still use our Chrome Extension. Check here to see if your CRM has an app integration with Seamless.AI. We’ve got over 1,500 app integrations and counting! 

Be sure to stay tuned in because we’ll be expanding Seamless.AI Everywhere to more applications soon!

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