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Settings & Setup


min read

Connecting your Salesforce account allows you to automate moving your contacts and leads straight into your Salesforce account and your pipeline.

Getting Started

Salesforce Settings and Mappings

Please Note: Salesforce API access is required to connect this integration and not all Salesforce packages come with API access.

API Access comes with the following editions of Salesforce: Enterprise Edition, Unlimited Edition, Developer Edition, and Performance Edition.

  1. Navigate to your CRM Setup page under your Account Icon (your initials) and select CRM Setup section.
  2. Simply complete your universal settings according to your preference or your company's choice, and you'll be all set to import directly into Salesforce.
  3. Make sure you set up mappings to ensure that the fields you want to send from Seamless to Salesforce are correctly matched with the corresponding fields in Salesforce.
    Please note: Our direct integration with Salesforce comes with pre-set field mapping options
  4. Customize fields for your entire organization or secure settings exclusively for your organization. Additionally, specify whether the data will override in your CRM for each mapping. Easily configure these options using Set Org Wide or Lock Org Wide fields (found in Universal Settings + Importing Mappings) and choose Override as needed (found in Importing Mappings)

Automate Lists to Accounts and Campaigns for Salesforce

This section allows you to automate importing and eliminate manual efforts by mapping Seamless.AI Lists to CRM Campaigns, Accounts, or Lists.

  • Accounts
  • Campaigns

Once you "ADD MAPPING" you be able to:

  • Select Seamless.AI List: Lists created in Seamless.AI    
  • Select CRM account: Accounts/ Campaigns available that are created in your CRM
My Contacts CRM import option on a searched prospect

CRM Settings

When integrating your Salesforce CRM with Seamless.AI, you have the ability to customize the settings.

Salesforce CRM Set Up and Universal Settings options on Seamless.AI platform

Universal Settings

Salesforce Import Type: This Salesforce setting lets users choose to import contacts from Seamless.AI as Leads or Contacts. Importing as Leads unlocks the LEADS tab, and importing as Contacts unlocks the CONTACTS and COMPANIES tabs.

Lead Source/Campaign/Owner: Enable users to specify the location and source for CRM imports. Customize these based on existing CRM information, and Seamless.AI will retrieve dropdown options by polling your CRM.

Set Total AI Threshold/Limit on Contact Imports: Use this setting to establish a minimum Total AI threshold for importing contacts. Specifically, it applies to the Total AI score of the Primary Business Email. For example, if the Total AI Slider is set to 80, the Primary Business Email must have a Total AI score of 80% or higher to successfully import on the first attempt.

Contact Account Creation:

  • Yes: Seamless.AI can create accounts automatically for contacts not in your CRM.
  • No: No account is created; users need to choose an existing account for contact import.
  • Prompt: Users are asked to select or create an account with each import.

Update Converted Lead’s Contact Record:

  • Yes: Seamless.AI will automatically append information to the converted Lead’s Contact record in Salesforce.
  • No: Seamless.AI will not update the converted Lead’s Contact record.
  • Prompt: Users will receive a prompt to update the Contact record if we detect a converted Lead during the import.

Automatically import to Salesforce: Enable this option to automatically import contacts/companies into your CRM when clicking the FIND button in Seamless.AI. By turning this on, you skip the step of manually selecting contacts/companies in My Contacts and My Companies before importing them into your CRM.

Allow contacts/leads to import without a validated email: A validated email includes a Valid or Accept All response from Seamless.AI's validation during the AI research process. When set to Yes, Seamless.AI permits users to import contacts even without a validated email.

Allow My Companies Lead imports: This Salesforce-specific setting in Seamless.AI lets users import contacts to Salesforce as Leads or Contacts.

  • When set to Yes, users with the Lead import type can still import Accounts from My Companies.
  • If set to No, My Companies imports will be turned off, allowing only Leads to be imported to your CRM from My Contacts.

Allow Users to Create New / Custom Mappings - Allows users, that are not Admin, to create new mappings that will only affect their account

Advanced Settings

Set Contact Import Match Score: Define your match score against your CRM records. A value of 100% requires a contact have a 100% match score against a CRM record to automatically import. Records with a lower match score will show a deduplication screen with "similar record" option to select before importing.

Example: A 95% setting will allow automatic import (no deduplication alert) if there is a match score of 95% or above against a record in your CRM unless there are two of the exact same match scores. Seamless.AI does not recommend less than 95% Match score for this Setting

Set Company Import Match Score: Set Company Import Match Score to define your match score against your CRM records. A value of 100% requires a contact have a 100% match score against a CRM record to automatically import. Records with a lower match score will show a deduplication screen with "similar record" option to select before importing.

Bypass Lead Assignment Rules: Set this to prevent your Lead Assignment Rule(s) from overwriting the Lead Owner field when importing Seamless contacts as Leads.

Note: This rule is not supported when using the Import Filtered or Import All feature.

Account Deduplication Method (Website or Name): Choose between Website or Name for finding existing accounts during duplication-checking in Seamless.AI. If Name is selected, fuzzy matching is used to find close matches by name. If Website is chosen, it uses the website as a unique identifier. If no website exists for the company, Name is used as a fallback for duplicate checking.

Fill Contact Phone with Company Phone if Contact Phone is blank: When set to Yes, Seamless.AI will add the company phone number to the contact phone field if the company phone has a number and the contact phone is blank. This setting is useful when you want to ensure data is present in both contact and company phones during import, especially if there's field validation in your CRM.

Fill Contact Location with Company Location if Contact Location is blank: When set to Yes, Seamless.AI will populate the contact location fields with the company location if the company has a location and the contact location is blank. This setting is ideal for ensuring data presence in both contact and company locations upon import, especially if there's field validation in your CRM.

Check for duplicates across both leads and contacts in Salesforce: This Salesforce-specific setting checks for duplicates across both Lead and Contact objects. This setting is ideal if you need to ensure uniqueness and avoid duplicating contacts or leads in your CRM.

If set to No, Seamless.AI will only check for duplicates within the specific import type (i.e., Lead or Contact/Account) for that import.-

Enable CRM Alerts: Enables checking if leads or contacts already exist in CRM before using Seamless.AI

Import Mappings

Definition of CRM Mapping Fields

Salesforce CRM Import Mappings set up options on Seamless.AI

Seamless.AI Field: These fields contain data from Seamless.AI that you've discovered and researched. You can map over 100+ fields from Seamless.AI to your CRM. Initially, Seamless.AI sets up a core set of common fields across CRM users, but you can customize additional mapping fields to suit your CRM needs.

Salesforce Field: These fields mirror the ones in your connected CRM. Seamless.AI regularly polls them to stay current. Just choose the Seamless.AI field on the left, pick the corresponding CRM field on the right, and establish a connection. During import, data from the Seamless.AI field will map to the CRM field and be transferred to your CRM.

Add New Mapping: Use this option to create a new Seamless.AI to CRM field mapping. You can map any Seamless.AI field to any CRM field.

Please Note: The connected user must have edit access to these fields for a successful import process.

Add Custom Mapping: Useful when you have a required CRM field not provided by Seamless.AI or want to include a field in each import. Create a custom mapping by setting up a custom field name in Seamless.AI (value sent to CRM) and mapping it to a field in your CRM.

Example: To include a custom "lead stage" in each import, set the Seamless.AI field's static value (e.g., New) and map it to the "Lead stage" field in your CRM. This imports all leads with "New" as the lead stage in your CRM.

Icon of a lit lightbulb.

Tip: Pro-Tip: You can set up each field to Set Org Wide or Lock Org Wide, and set each mapping to select if the data will override in your CRM.

Allow User Edit: The Allow User Edit checkbox offers a straightforward feature that allows Users to either edit or restrict access to a specific setting based on the checkbox status.    

  • When the checkbox is activated: Users can edit these settings and Admin settings serve as the default, unless modified by the user.
  • When the checkbox is deactivated: Users cannot access the fields but can view them in a read-only state to understand the current setup.

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