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Improved Search Results With AI Data Engine 4.0

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Seamless.AI Team
December 9, 2024
Image of an engine with the title, "AI Data Engine 4.0" centered.

Sound the horns of Gondor! You asked for a better experience on Seamless.AI, and we listened. 

Our Development Team recently released AI Data Engine 4.0, and it unlocks the features most requested by our users!

Keep reading to see what our users had at the top of their wish list and how AI Data Engine 4.0 delivers the goods.  

What Is AI Data Engine 4.0?

AI Data Engine 4.0 is a massive overhaul our development team took on to improve the quality of our search engine. Many customers wanted better filtering, greater accuracy, and broader data coverage and our team delivered. 

With AI Data Engine 4.0, we improved the industry filter and updated industry classifications so you can do more granular company searches. Now, you can search for contacts and companies by SIC and NAICS codes and more accurately target companies based on revenue, region (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), etc. 

Additionally, we improved the location filter. Before, you could only search by country, city, and state. Now, users can drill down on location even more and search by a specific zip code or prospect companies and contacts located within a specific number of miles of you (i.e., a radius search). 

Plus, we enhanced the contact and company search interface to improve your experience on the platform. You can preview information about a contact or company’s location and industry to see if it’s a hit before you click “Find” and use a search credit.  

What Are the Perks of AI Data Engine 4.0? 

If you’re new to Seamless.AI or a longtime user and you love the speed and convenience of our old search engine, you’ll be thrilled with the updates we’ve made. 

With AI Data Engine 4.0, you can exercise greater control over your contact/company searching and the results that you drive. You can effectively drill down and find the right leads that fit within your ideal customer profile. 

Ultimately, greater control and granular targeting mean more accurate search results, which is music to our ears. 

How Can I Start Using AI Data Engine 4.0?

AI Data Engine 4.0 is available RIGHT NOW! 

You can start using it right away by logging into your account, clicking your initials in the bottom left corner, and under Seamless.AI Labs, just toggle on “AI Data Engine 4.0” and you’re good to go. 

The AI Data Engine 4.0 Toggle in Seamless.AI Labs

There’s no tool you need to download or purchase. Just better search results- Free of Charge! 

Check out AI Data Engine 4.0 today and give us your feedback. Let us know what you love and what you want to see next! 

Also, make sure to check out Seamless.AI Labs for all the latest and greatest improvements to the platform like our recent launch of Dynamic Layout.

Learn more about this feature and others in our Customer Education Help Center.

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