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17 B2B Email Outreach Templates and Best Practices

Rachell Lee headshot
Rachell Lee
November 28, 2023
B2B Email outreach templates and best practices blog image

Not getting enough email responses? Here’s a list of 17 email outreach templates and examples that help boost lead generation, drive conversions, or simply get a conversation started.

In B2B sales prospecting, email outreach is one of the top “bread and butter” channels of  communication and lead generation. However, blasting emails to your target audience will only result in radio silence, or even worse, getting blocked. So how do you do email outreach that actually gets a response and helps build the foundation for a loyal customer or partnership?

A common mistake that people make for email outreach is reusing a single email outreach template for hundreds of email prospects. The truth is, you don’t need 50+ different email outreach templates to help you write emails that actually get read—you simply need to test a few different formats and structures out among your audience to see which works best for your prospects.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel for every outreach email, but you also don’t want to simply copy and paste a template you found online. It’s like Fight Club for email outreach; rule #1 of using email outreach templates: Don’t use a template.

🔑 Instead, the key is to craft an email outreach framework that you can tweak and personalize for each specific prospect or audience segment. We’ve compiled a list of 17 different email outreach templates not for you to copy verbatim, but rather for your inspiration to create your own email outreach framework and recognize what makes an email successful. 

In this article, you’ll find:

  • The key elements of successful email outreach
  • How to write an outreach email that actually gets a reply
  • 17 outreach email templates and examples for your inspiration
  • The “do’s and don’ts” of email outreach 

📕 Related: The 10 Best Prompts to Start a Sales Conversation

Key elements of effective outreach emails

Let’s go back to the basics. While it may seem obvious that your subject line and email content is important, reminding yourself to review each key element can be helpful when scaling your email outreach. Every aspect of the email from the subject line to your call to action plays an important role in getting your message across.

Let’s dive into the anatomy of a well-crafted outreach email. The three main parts of an email you should consider are:

  • A compelling subject line: Your subject line can make or break your email open rates. It’s the first thing recipients see, so it needs to grab their attention against the influx of other emails in their inbox begging for their attention. The subject line should be concise, relevant, and enticings.
  • Well-crafted content: The content of the email should be persuasive and engaging. Being a persuasive seller is one of the top skills you need to be a top salesperson, so make sure this translates in your email outreach as well.
  • A clear call to action: Every outreach email should have a clear call to action. What action do you want your target audience to take? Maybe you’re asking the recipient to schedule a call, download a resource, or simply reply to the email. Whatever your ask is, make your call to action clear and easy to follow.

You might have a compelling subject line, but if your email content is obviously a template that’s been sent to hundreds of people without an ounce of personalization, your chances of getting a response are slim. Your open rates might be high, but your response rates will be low.

On the flip side, if you’ve created the most compelling email outreach framework but you forget to workshop your subject line, your target audience might not even give your email a second thought before tossing it in the trash.

The goal of crafting effective B2B outreach emails is to strike a balance between being compelling, clear, and personal across all touchpoints of your email.

How to write an outreach email that actually gets a reply

If you’re feeling left in the dark with scarce responses to your email outreach, it’s time to re-evaluate your email outreach strategy. 

Email outreach isn’t a way to flood someone’s inbox with badgering messages. It’s also not a way to push your agenda onto others without providing any value in return. The objective of email outreach should focus on establishing trust and rapport with the prospect to create room for a mutually beneficial relationship. 

Maybe your goal for your email outreach is to get someone to sign up for your new B2B product, or maybe it’s for link sharing. Whatever your reason for email outreach is, there’s one thing that’s clear: Focus on finding a way to get your prospect to simply reply and start a conversation.

📕 Related: 5 Effective Strategies to Boost Sales through Email Marketing

Personalizing your email outreach beyond *FIRST_NAME*

Personalization goes beyond addressing recipients by their name. It involves understanding their pain points, preferences, and goals, and customizing your email content to resonate with them on a personal level. 

It’s all about knowing your target audience. For example, the incentives or value proposition in emails targeted for top of the funnel (TOFU) small business owners is quite different from the way you communicate with (BOFU) B2B enterprise level email contacts.

Take some time to research your target audience extensively. You can do this by doing a quick Google or LinkedIn search, and exploring any of their public work such as podcasts, articles, videos, social media mentions, or any literature written by the prospect. Gather insights about your target audience’s demographics, interests, and most importantly— their pain points. 

Beyond email, it’s important to leverage the power of active listening to do successful personalization. By understanding who your ideal recipients are, you'll be able to tailor your emails to their specific needs and pain points.

Provide value

According to Ahrefs

“Your outreach template is only as good as your content.”

If your email doesn’t provide any incentive or value that nudges the prospect to respond and take action, you need to re-evaluate your email content, starting from the subject line down to the exact email contents. 

Give people an incentive to respond back to you, especially if you’re doing B2B sales prospecting through cold email outreach. Here are some examples of incentives you can add to your email content:

  • Link exchanges
  • Whitepapers
  • Research insights
  • Exclusive interviews
  • Courses
  • Webinars
  • Promotion of their brand
  • Product Training
  • Onboarding or migration

To provide value, you need both good content and a deeper understanding of what motivates your audience.

Timing is key for email outreach

Another factor to consider is timing. While it may take longer to personalize your email outreach templates for each prospect, putting this effort in upfront will get you far more responses than you would without taking time to personalize. 

It’s also important not to flood a prospect’s inbox with multiple emails a day. Instead, here are a few tips to help you carefully time your email outreach series:

  • Allow a few days after your first outreach attempt to follow-up.
  • Don’t wait too long to follow up on emails that have timely content.
  • Craft your outreach emails with intention and get your point across quickly for the email reader.

📕 Related: How to Close a Lead that’s Gone Cold

Stop giving empty compliments

Have you ever received an email that starts out with: “Your article was really cool”, or “I think you’re amazing”?

Just because you complimented the recipient doesn’t mean they’ll be inclined to buy your product or talk to you right away. Those empty compliments and meaningless flattery are lost opportunities to show your email recipient that you understand them beyond a surface level. 

Instead of “Your article was really cool”, try saying “I was intrigued by [specific part of the article] because [your reasoning]. I would love to discuss this topic more with you, especially on [new idea or POV on the topic].

We all love a good ego boost here and there, but if you decide to give any flattery to establish some rapport, it’s important to be tasteful and thoughtful with your words. Or, just don’t say anything. Flattery isn’t the only way to start a conversation.

Ways to Start Sales Conversations

We found that email won by a landslide! 43% of people who voted in our poll, said they initially contacted their biggest prospects via email.  

Graph titled "How Did You Open Your Biggest Sale?" 27% responded "They Reached Out to Me", 43% responded "Cold Email Outreach", 12% responded "Social Media," and 18% responded "Other."

Even though email outreach was the top response to generate new sales, there’s always pros and cons with every channel.

According to Hubspot, email is great for reaching a large audience, but “cold calls are more effective at gathering direct responses.” 

PIBBB Strategy

Whether you use email, cold calls or any other channel, the key to maximizing the results is personalization. Make your prospect feel like you’re talking directly to them, and show them that you have solutions to their problems. 

Personalizing and writing an opening email can be difficult and time-consuming, so try starting with this proven formula created by CEO, Brandon Bornancin, and make it your own: P+I+BD-BP1-BP2.

  • Persona (P): For example, sales reps 
  • Industry (I): The prospect’s industry 
  • Biggest Desire (BD): Book 500+ appointments to fill your calendar
  • Biggest Pain 1 (BP1): Without spending hours prospecting
  • Biggest Pain 2 (BP2): Or overspending on leads! 
A woman using a calculator and taking notes on paper.

When you put this formula in action, it will look something like this: Example Sales Pitch

Hi Hannah! I’m Mason from Seamless.AI, and we help construction sales reps like you book appointments to keep their calendars full, without spending hours prospecting or overspending on leads. 

This opener works so well because you’re focusing on your prospect, their biggest desires, and their biggest pains. 

Want to See More?

Check out these tips from Megan Killion on “Creating Content that Converts.”. 

According to Megan, to compose the most lucrative opener, you want to add value every single time on every interaction - “give them something for nothing.”

Why? The decision-maker's time is worth a lot of money. When you ask them for their time and their money, you need to give them something of value. 

Here’s Megan’s opener email example: 


Your company is leaving money on the table. I’d like to show you how. Would it be okay to send you three tips in three minutes video recorded - just for you?

“Almost everyone says yes.” - Megan Killion

After this, Megan sends over the video with advice on optimizing their website and social media presence. She always makes a point to first give them value and then ask for their time. 

The thinking behind this is that you have to provide them value for “Free.” Once you do this, you’re creating “an indebted response from them.”

Watch the rest of Megan’s Sales Secret Summit video here - It’s a goldmine of information that just makes sense.

Email outreach #1: Presenting social proof and building trust

Email outreach template from Hubspot
Source: Hubspot

When to use this: When you’re reaching out to a prospect for the first time and you want to grab their attention with social proof or insights about your solution that matter to them.

Why it works: Providing insights and social proof in your email outreach is a great way to build trust with a prospect you’re reaching out to for the first time.

How to personalize: The solutions and insights that you provide as social proof should be relevant and specific to the prospect’s pain points. Do some research and figure out what their main pain point might be to determine which insights will grab their attention.

Email outreach #2: Following up with cold leads

Email outreach template from Ahrefs
Source: Ahrefs

When to use this: Use this email outreach example or a similar format when you want to follow up with a cold lead who didn’t respond to your first outreach email. 

Why it works: It’s difficult to assume why a prospect doesn’t respond to your first cold email, so keeping your first follow-up email short and simple is an effective way to bump your conversation up in their inbox for visibility.

How to personalize: If there are any timely events that might affect your email outreach response rates, such as holidays or being out of office, briefly acknowledge it in your follow-up email and let your prospect know that they’re still on your mind.

Email outreach #3: Offer your help 

Email outreach template with offer from Hubspot
Source: Hubspot

When to use this: Use this email outreach example to make warm introductions to prospects and provide them with value at the first point of contact.

Why it works: Offering your help in your email outreach is a great way to catch prospects’ attention. It also helps to establish trust with prospects by offering something without asking for anything in return.

How to personalize: Try to point out notable issues or pain points the prospect might currently experience. 

Email outreach #4: Offering exclusive promotions or discounts

Subject: Exclusive Offer for [Prospect's Company] (limited time only)

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I trust you're having a productive week. We’re offering a special discount to a select few contacts, including [Prospect's Name or Company], based on [offer eligibility requirement].

This offer is time-sensitive and only available for a limited time.

Let’s schedule a call to discuss how you can take advantage of this special offer.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name], [Your Title]

[Your Company]

When to use this: When doing email outreach to B2B professionals, it’s important to provide value. Depending on where this prospect is in the sales funnel, you can offer your prospect with an exclusive discount when you're looking to provide a direct incentive.

Why it works: Free trials and discounts on products or tools are huge in the B2B world. Who doesn’t love a good discount? This type of email outreach for B2B works because it creates a sense of urgency and provides value in a single email. 

How to personalize: Make sure that the discount or offer you’re providing in your email outreach is tailored to the prospect. For example, if you’re reaching out to a prospect at a large enterprise company, you could offer exclusive access to a new feature or product that’s in beta. If you’re reaching out to small businesses, you could offer a free trial of your products or platform in consideration of their budget.

Email outreach #5: Testing the waters

Email outreach template from

When to use this: Use a similar format to this foundational email conversation starter to do just that—start a conversation. When you’re not quite ready to introduce your product but you want to lightly touch on a possible solution, use this type of email outreach.

Why it works: This type of email outreach is effective because it plants a seed of rapport and acknowledges that you understand what your prospect is going through. You’re not asking the prospect for a clear call to action or asking for something specific in return, you’re only asking for a response. The last sentence that introduces a potential solution to a pain point also creates a sense of curiosity for the prospect. 

How to personalize: The beginning hook of this email is based on being cognizant of a specific situation that the prospect is going through. Try to tailor this type of email outreach to the prospect’s specific situation or recent events.

Email outreach #6: The gift card

Email outreach with gift card example from Nutshell
Source: Nutshell

When to use this: If you’re not getting any responses to your email outreach, sending freebies like virtual gift cards is one way to grab someone’s attention. You should save this type of email outreach for when you’re asking for something in return, or when you’re reaching out to a high-level prospect who might be more difficult to get a hold of.

Why it works: This type of email outreach works like a charm. Who doesn’t like freebies? Incentivizing your prospects with something of value to them is an easy way to make them more inclined to actually respond and connect with you.

How to personalize: Make sure that what you’re offering in your email is something of value to the prospect. If you send a prospect a Starbucks gift card and they don’t even drink coffee, you just wasted $5. Do some research and test different incentives to see which ones get more responses.

Email outreach #7: The “inverted pyramid”

Email outreach example of the inverted pyramid from Backlinko
Source: Backlinko

When to use this: Don't start your email outreach with fluff or unnecessary details. When you want to get straight to the point you should use an inverted pyramid approach instead. This email outreach framework cuts to the most important details first, and then the supporting details that fill in context. Your opening line should clearly communicate your first priority ask, and the following lines after should give more context around the ask.

Why it works: Not everyone reads through full emails. Most people skim. This type of inverted pyramid email outreach works because it quickly gets to the point of why you’re reaching out, and what your prospect needs to know in descending order of importance. Whether they read the full email or not, the prospect will understand from a quick look at the first line.

How to personalize: You can mention other notable names, companies, or competitors you’ve already contacted that the prospect might recognize. This makes the prospect feel like you understand who the big players are in the industry and who they want to associate with.

Email outreach #8: Asking for a referral

Subject: Introduction Request from a Mutual Connection

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I trust this email finds you in good spirits. I was recently introduced to your company by [Mutual Connection], who spoke highly of your leadership and the innovative work at [Prospect's Company]. I'm eager to connect and explore potential synergies.

Could we schedule a brief call to discuss how [Your Company] can contribute to the success of [Prospect's Company]?

Best regards,

[Your Full Name], [Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

When to use this: Ask for a referral in your email outreach when you’re looking for a specific point of contact for your specific needs. Reach out to your network and ask for introductions to new connections to expand your network.

Why it works: If you have a good relationship with your mutual connection, you have a good chance of getting a referral to your new contact. This type of email outreach also works well because it helps you build a good reputation among a network of contacts over time.

How to personalize: Make sure to mention your mutual connection so your prospect feels more familiar with you. 

Email outreach #9: The recent event cold email outreach

Subject: [Event name] Let’s connect!

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I recently attended [event or webinar name] where you spoke about [topic]. Your advice on [specific solution or advice from the event] resonated with me as I’ve also experienced [problems that their advice helps solve]. I’ve started to implement the strategy you talked about and I’m already seeing [XYZ] results thanks to you! 

I’d love to connect and talk more about [specific topic]. Could we schedule a brief call for a quick coffee chat? 

Best regards,

[Your Full Name], [Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

When to use this: Whether you’re looking to connect with someone you encountered or saw at an online or in-person event, this email outreach example can be used to simply introduce yourself and connect with someone you recently met or saw at an event. Use this email outreach within a few days to a week after the specific event. 

Why it works: This type of email outreach works because you can use the event as a conversation starter and talk about something specific from that recent event that resonates with the prospect. This email outreach also works when done in a timely manner because recent events are still fresh in the prospect’s mind, making it easier for you to reach out.

How to personalize: Don’t forget to mention the event name and call out specific details from the event that involves the prospect you’re reaching out to, especially if they spoke at the event or you had a conversation with them.

Email outreach #10: Identifying a problem and a quick solution

Email outreach template offering a solution from Mailshake
Source: Mailshake

When to use this: When you’re looking to collaborate with other high-authority blog pages or start building a healthy link exchange, this email outreach framework can be useful for making a great first impression. 

Why it works: Email outreach frameworks that provide value, like how the example above provides a list of links for the prospect, set the tone for being helpful and collaborative rather than a needy person asking for attention. You’re more likely to get responses when you provide value at first contact.

How to personalize: If you’re offering a list of links to update, make sure the new links you’re providing are relevant and useful for the prospect. Your list of new links should be relevant to the topic of their article and industry.

Email outreach #11: Connecting with new prospects through mutual contacts

Hi [Prospect Name],

We recently had [mutual connection name] on the podcast join us for [topic name], and they mentioned that you’re an expert on [topic]. I’m personally a huge fan of your work [mention book or article or related content by prospect] and would love to have you featured on the podcast.

Our podcast gets an average of 3k-5k downloads on a monthly basis on all platforms with an audience of mostly B2B professionals in [industry name]. We can help promote your [specific work project, book, article] too!

Would you be open to being on the podcast? If you’re interested, we can send over a few topic ideas.


[Your Name], [Title]

[Company Name]

[Contact info]

When to use this: You should always take advantage of networking opportunities, when it makes sense. 

Why it works: This type of email outreach is natural and establishes a sense of trust with your prospect by mentioning your mutual connection. It also works because it gives the prospect an incentive (self-promotion) to connect.

How to personalize: Do some research on your prospect’s past or recent projects, articles, or books and give them an incentive to connect with you.

Email outreach #12: B2B product updates email

Email outreach with product updates example from Zendesk
Source: Zendesk

When to use this: When you know your prospect’s a huge fan of your product already, they’ll probably be excited to hear about the amazing new updates or features you add. And if they’re not already a fan, providing them with product updates might just change their mind.

Why it works: This email outreach template gets straight to the point by listing out the direct benefits of the product update for the prospect. Short, succinct, and easy-to-scan, this type of email outreach helps keep your prospect hungry for more of the latest and greatest product updates.

How to personalize: Not every one of your prospects are excited by the same product updates or features. Some product updates are better suited for enterprise B2B prospects while others are more appealing to small business owners. Know who you’re talking to and tailor your email outreach with the benefits that you know will catch their attention.

Email outreach #13: For when you keep getting ignored

Email outreach example when the prospect doesn't respond by Hubspot
Source: Hubspot

When to use this: Use this email outreach example when all you’re getting is radio silence from your recipient. 

Why it works: This specific type of email outreach communicates both empathy and humor in a simple way. Specifically identifying why the recipient isn’t responding is a great way for you to know how to tweak your email outreach strategy or communication for future reference.

How to personalize: Acknowledge timely events that may contribute to the silence, such as the recipient being recently out of the office and still catching up on emails.

Email outreach #14: Offering exclusive access to industry insights or content

Email outreach with industry insights by Siege Media
Source: Siege Media

When to use this: B2B SaaS professionals love quantitative data. If you’re looking to position your organization as a data-driven industry leader, share proprietary research and data that piques your prospects’ interests.

Why it works: Sharing proprietary research and data makes the prospect feel like they’re getting the inside scoop on the current state of the industry. This type of email outreach appeals to prospects’ desire for knowledge and privilege to access exclusive insights.

How to personalize: Choose data insights that are interesting and relevant to the prospect. 

Email outreach #15: Sending your congrats—with no strings attached 

Email outreach sending congrats example by Respona
Source: Respona

When to use this: When you simply want to make a connection with someone who recently achieved a goal, landed a new role, or did something great. This email outreach template is great to start making connections with new prospects, or to simply start a conversation. 

Why it works: This type of email outreach works because it shows that you have invested a personal interest in the success of your prospect. It’s also great because you’re not asking for anything in return or trying to sell them something. 

How to personalize: This outreach email is all about personalization. Whether it’s specific to the recipient’s personal achievements or something amazing their team recently released, try to mention the specific achievement that you’re impressed by. For example, if they recently released a new product feature, mention specifically which part of the feature you’re most impressed by. We’ll go more in depth about personalization in the section “Best practices for email outreach success” down below.

Email outreach #16: Keeping it short and sweet

Simple email outreach example by


When to use this: When you’re looking for a simple email outreach template, use a similar format to the example above. 

Why it works: When it comes to email, simplicity is key. Most email inboxes are flooded with unwanted noise, so keeping your email outreach short and succinct without any fluff can be highly effective.

How to personalize: When your email is short and concise, make sure to include the email recipient’s name and make your ask specific to the prospect.

Email outreach #17: Creating FOMO 

Email outreach example using FOMO by Active Campaign
Source: Active Campaign

When to use this: B2B prospects are always curious about what their competitors are doing. Use this type of email outreach to establish a sense of urgency and FOMO for being involved with the latest and greatest tools or services before their competitors.

Why it works: People don’t want to feel left behind by their competitors. They always want to be doing better or at least keep a pulse on what their competitors are doing right. 

How to personalize: Do some research and understand which competitors or big-name organizations are important to your prospect. You can also personalize this email outreach by naming a few pain points they might experience with the specific tool you know they’re still using.

Related: Building the Ultimate B2B Contact Database

Best practices for email outreach success

While there’s no “one size fits all” approach to successful B2B email outreach, you can use these templates and examples as inspiration to craft your own email outreach frameworks that focus on providing value and personalization.

Whether you’re a marketing professional or a sales development representative looking to elevate your email outreach and outbound communication skills, keep in mind that your email outreach can either result in a fruitful, mutually beneficial connection, or being on the recipient’s blocked list.

Here’s an overview of the “do’s and don’ts” of B2B email outreach.

🟢 Do’s of B2B email outreach:

  • Personalize your email content based on recipient info, such as demographics, interests, past interactions, or specific information about the recipient.
  • Use dynamic content to tailor emails to specific segments.
  • Add links to your initial email. It’s a hassle for prospects to ask for them.
  • Craft compelling email outreach subject lines.
  • A/B test your subject lines to see what helps you get better open rates.
  • Include case studies or success stories that align with the recipient's industry or challenges.
  • Add a personal touch by sharing relevant resources, recommendations, or insights.

🚫 Don’ts of B2B email outreach:

  • Don’t cram several ideas or CTAs in one email. Keep it simple and straight to the point.
  • Don’t use too much jargon or filler words and phrases.
  • Don’t use too many emojis and exclamation points. 
  • Don’t flood prospects’ inboxes every single day. Space out your follow-up emails.
  • Don’t send the email without reviewing your spelling and grammar. 
  • Don’t fully rely on email automations and auto fill-in.

📕 Related: How to Write Emails That Get Replies

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