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What Are Sales Tools?

Headshot of Lavall Chichester
Lavall Chichester
January 12, 2023
A woman showing a co-worker a tablet explaining what are sales tools and how to use them

Sales tools are usually used by sales professionals to help them in their job. Sales people use these tools to calculate the past, present, and future sales of a company. This helps them plan ahead so that they can hit their goals on time. There are different types of sales tools available for sale professionals to use depending on the type of business they are dealing with.

Types of Sales Tools

Sales tools are tools that help you achieve your sales goals. There are many types of sales tools and they can be software or hardware. Some common types of sales tools include CRM, ERP and POS.

Cloud-based applications are also becoming popular in the world of sales management because they allow you to access all your data from any device at any time, which makes it easier for you to stay connected with customers when away from the office.

Sales Tools

Sales tools are software applications or programs that help salespeople manage their time, lead tracking, and other aspects of their jobs. They can be simple spreadsheets or elaborate applications. Sales tools can help you plan your day, track your leads and sales activity, manage your contact list, keep notes on each customer relationship—in short, they give you the tools to work more efficiently so that you have time left over for the other tasks involved in running a successful business.

Sales tools are not just for salespeople; they're used by managers and executives as well. Managers need to know what's going on with individual employees in order to make sure everyone is meeting goals at any given point in time and also so that management knows which areas may need improvement based on overall performance throughout the course of a year (or quarter). Executive leadership will use these same reports as well but should also look at data from other sources such as Google Analytics for insights about how customers feel about returning again after visiting once before because there could be something wrong with either product quality or service delivery

Sales tools are used to measure sales performance, track sales performance and plan your sales strategy. Sales tools can help you identify the best time to make a sale and the best time to follow up on a sale.

Sales tools include:

  • Account planning software (or CRM)
  • Budgeting software
  • Sales force automation (SFA)

The Importance of Having Sales Tools

A member of the sales staff must always keep track of the number of sales made in a year and make sure it meets the sales goal

A member of the sales staff must always keep track of the number of sales made in a year and make sure it meets the sales goal.

You can use a Sales Tracking Sheet to calculate your company's monthly, quarterly, or annual sales figures. Sales tracking sheets will allow you to know where you stand at any given time and also help you estimate how much work needs to be done in order to achieve your goals.

Calculating the Past, Present, and Future Sales is Essential to Meet the Sales Target

Calculating the past, present, and future sales is essential to meet the sales target.


  • Calculate the past sales.
  • Calculate the present sales.
  • Calculate the future sales.
  • Calculate the difference between past and present sales (or current). This will help you understand how much more you need to sell in order to achieve your target when compared with historical data from previous years or quarters, for example 6 months ago versus today's numbers which may show strong growth for your business but still not enough for hitting those targets by end-year or end-quarter deadlines that are set by management teams at companies worldwide every year!

The Sales Figure Must Always be Compared with Any Target Set by the Company

The company sets a target so that they can track how well they are doing and how they compare to their competitors.

This Helps Plan Ahead to Hit the Goals on Time

Planning is important to help you hit your goals on time. Planning helps you meet your goals, achieve your goals and set goals.

Planning helps you make sure you are on track with your goal.

Using a Sales Tool Helps you Achieve your Goals

A sales tool will help you manage your time, stay organized and track your progress so that you can be sure that you're moving forward with your business. It will also help you run a more effective team by giving each member of the team access to all relevant information.

Sales Tools can Help you Manage your Time Wisely

It's easy to get sidetracked and lose track of the big picture when you're working online. Without a physical office, it's easy to spend hours on social media or browsing blogs when you should be getting more done. Sales tools can help you manage your time better so that you are not wasting time scrolling through social media, but instead keep focused on the work at hand so that your business is able to grow in the way that it needs to grow in order for it to continue being successful.


In conclusion, it is important to understand that sales tools can help you manage your time wisely while achieving your goals.

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