TCS: $1.1M ARR in 14 Months
With Seamless, Curtis was able to find the people he needed to speak to and got past the gate keeper using the numbers he found using the Seamless.AI platform. With an incredible 14 months with the product, Curtis now expects to land a $1.3M contract, excluding reoccurring service fees, which will bring close to $400K every year.
ARR in 14 Months Using Seamless
From $20K MRR Since Joining
Contract In His Pipeline This Year

Before using Seamless.AI
- The data in their database was old, and either came from another database source or just old information that old reps had put in there.
- They were calling all the wrong people, like tech and service guys, but they really needed reach Facility Directors and Managers.
- They were making a lot of redundant phone calls and not getting anywhere. Spinning their wheels.
- Was generating $20K in monthly recurring revenue.
After using Seamless.AI
- Seamless Helped Curtis stop wasting his time.
- Helped him stop calling the little guys, and called the decision makers who can could actually write the checks.
- Helped him get the direct dials and cell phone numbers of decision makers, which allowed him to get past the gate keepers.
- In negotiations for a $1.3M contract that does not include recurring service fees, which would be close to $400K every year.
- Has been generating $80K MRR since working with Seamless about 14 months ago.
The Search Filters Changed Everything
Curtis works at TCS, a multi-site energy management platform. Throughout his career, he has worked in sales for as long as he can remember.
Prior to using Seamless, he was calling the numbers on their database, but their database was only as good as the information put into it. Which meant that the information was old and came from another database source, or previous reps had put it in there.
As a result, they were calling all the wrong people, such as tech and service guys. When really, they needed to call Facility Directors and Managers, because those were the decision makers who could actually pull the trigger on those deals.
Before, he would try to look up people on the free version of LinkedIn, since he didn't have Sales Navigator.
So whatever information you could get from LinkedIn, maybe they'll give you a name, but you basically got stymied. You would call the gatekeeper and just try different sales techniques to get around them. But if you didn't have a name, it was really tough cause they knew for sure you were a sales guy, so that made it real tough.
As a result, he made a lot of redundant phone calls, which got him nowhere and spinning his wheels.
For instance, he had a large banking account that was gaining a bit of traction. However, he was met with the same problem. He was talking to a lot of service techs, and there were so many layers, they're not even the ones in charge. They were being managed by a management company.
Unfortunately, he didn't know anybody, and had a tough time reaching decision makers.
At the time he was doing about $20K MRR.
Seamless helped put an end to time wasting significantly. It helped him to stop calling the little guys and instead, call the guys who could write cheques.
With Seamless, I could get emails to the right people, but I could also get some alternate phone numbers. And that was a big thing to me, as it gives me possible numbers around the gate keeper, maybe a direct number, or some other number. I didn't realize that some of those lower percentage phone numbers, were probably mobile numbers because they don't go on website as much.
With the banking account, he was able to use Seamless's search tools which allowed him to search by title, region, and company. He found the people he needed to speak to and got past the gate keeper using the number found in Seamless.
From that account, he expects to land a $1.3M contract, excluding reoccurring service fees.
Including service fees, it would bring him close to $400K every year.
You guys have a lot of good information on there and I didn't really know some of the stuff, I just never realized. I didn't realize you had these webinars, which is very fantastic!
Since joining Seamless about 14 months ago, not only has he recently renewed his license, he was also able to reach $80K in MRR.