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Seamless.AI Job Changes CSV Upload Format Options

General Training


min read

Seamless.AI Job Changes is part for the premium feature of Data Enrichment. This feature allows you to upload a list of contacts and find new job changes including new titles, companies, emails, phones, etc.

Getting Started

Enrich Your List with Job Changes

Navigate to the Data Enrichment tab on the left hand side to locate Enrich with Job Changes.

To get started you simply upload your list, as a CSV file. When uploading a list to Erich with Job Changes, it is important to check the required information in the header rows to pull the accurate information. For Enriching with Job Changes, you must include all of the below options as a header included in your CSV file:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Job Title (optional but preferred for additional accuracy)

For additional support, there is a sample file available for to download and update with your list's information. This sample file includes a variety of headers to support the information you may have. There are columns included for the following information:

  • Full Name
  • First Name (Required)
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name (Required)
  • Job Title (Required)
  • Company Name (Required)
  • Email
  • LinkedIn Profile URL

When listing contacts, more information is preferred for additional accuracy,

Prior to clicking "Enrich My List," ensure you have named your list and have selected any preferred List Tags. Setting List Tags will allow you to link it to a pre-created List in Seamless.AI for simpler and cleaner workflow.

Viewing your Job Changes List

After completing an enriched Job Change List, you will be able to view these contacts in the Job Changes Contacts tab in My Contacts.

From here, you are able to view the contact's title and/or company change, and even the contact's full Contact Profile.

Seamless.AI Job Changes specific output definitions:

  • Original Job Title: Contact job title as provided in the input file
  • Original Company Name: Contact company name as provided in the input file
  • Title: Current contact job title identified from the Job Changes process
  • Company: Current contact company name identified from the Job Changes process
  • Job Change Identified: Flag that identifies type of job change (company, title, company & title, no change)

To import or download the list of contacts, head over to the My Contacts tab, and apply the "Job Changes List" filter within the filter funnel.
*All relevant job changes will be displayed for the user

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