Learn how to bulk company search from the contact search tab in Seamless.AI. Upload up to 1000 companies at a time to find contacts that fit your criteria.
Our Bulk Company search allows you to quickly upload up to 1000 companies at a time and allow Seamless to effortlessly search contacts that fit your criteria at those companies.
1. Login to your account and make sure you are on the Contact search section.
2. Click on the bulk upload option in the Contact search tab to trigger the popup in the screenshot below:
3. Add your company names or email domain (i.e Nike or Nike.com) separated by a new line by typing the companies or copy and pasting in this format from a previous source.
4. Once the list is loaded, the company field will be tagged with "bulk upload" and any previous company filters will be ignored in that search.
5. You can then add contact filters to specify the contacts you want to find at those companies. Then click Search to view the contact results.
6. Click ‘Find’ on any contact you wish to have Seamless.AI research and save to your list.
7. At the end of the list, you will see an end of list message and then you can delete the list and add a new list or add different search criteria to complete a separate search.
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