Find Shippers & Freight Brokers Lightning Fast

3 contact cards for various transportation industry positions with emails and phone numbers that have been verified by AI.

Tired of using the same shippers lists and phone directories like everyone else and getting nowhere? Gain an edge over the competition by adding Seamless.AI to your arsenal today!

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Ditch stale directory data and find real-time verified contacts of shippers and freight brokers ready to do business now
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Eliminate manual entry and list building with our automation solution, so you can get back to streamlining your operations and making more connections with shippers and carriers
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Fast and easy setup. No Credit Card Required.
G2 Top 50 Products for Small Business Award 2024.
G2 Top 100 Highest Satisfaction Award 2024.
LinkedIn Top Startups in the United States 2023 Badge
3 contact cards for various transportation industry positions with emails and phone numbers that have been verified by AI.

Trusted by 1,000,000+ business professionals as their #1 source for finding accurate contact data


How It Works To Speed Up Prospecting

An arrow pointing to the Seamless.AI Chrome Extension in a browser window.

1. Add to Chrome

It just takes a few clicks to add to your computer and it’s 100% free.

A cursor arrow clicking a website url

2. Browse the Web

Our extension is accessible on LinkedIn Basic, Sales Navigator, Recruiter or any B2B company website.

The Seamless.AI Chrome Extension showing the contact card for Eric Miller

3. Score Key Information

We'll automatically search the web, verify, and deliver your prospect's data in real-time!

Photo of Brian Hess.

"What's interesting is to look at our closing pipeline and how that has grown from just over a year ago. Pipeline has literally multiplied by about eight and a half times what it was before."

Brian Hess
Results with Seamless
ARR in 15 Months
Increase from Previous Year
Product Overview

How Seamless.AI Speeds Up Prospecting

The only search engine for finding accurate leads

The value of Seamless.AI is that when you research, you get a real-time live search. No more 90+ day reverification process from working with a manually updated database.

Icon of a contact card

Contact Search

Never spend another minute scouring websites for contact information ever again.

Icon with a few buildings

Company Search

Set filters — like industry, employee count, revenue, technographics and more.

Icon of a group of users.

Build Account Lists

Leverage our real-time people search engine to build a massive list of decision makers.

Icon with a target over a web browser.

Search the Web

Find all your ideal prospect's contact information anywhere you browser to create a lead-generating machine!


It's Time To Invest In Accurate Data

The fastest way to build pipeline, shorten your sales cycle, and close more deals is by investing in quality data that doesn’t need to be manually verified month-over-month

Get Direct Access to Decision Makers Instantly

Leverage our real-time people search engine to build a massive list of decision makers. Never spend another minute scouring LinkedIn for contact information ever again.


Filter by Titles, ex. Marketing Manager


Filter by Companies or Websites


Filter by specific industry keywords


Find the exact professionals you are searching for

The Seamless.AI platform highlighting the advanced search filters.

Your Future Clients Are One-Click Away

Don’t wait until you run out of leads. Start Seamless.AI for free today and start searching for your next big opportunity

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