JE Dunn Construction

About JE Dunn Construction

JE Dunn Construction, founded in 1924, is the eighth-largest domestic general building contractor in the United States, with offices in 26 locations. We are indispensable business partners because we prioritize building authentic partnerships with our clients and within the communities where we bui...

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JE Dunn Construction Company Information

Phone icon

Phone Number

+1 816-292-8605

Address icon

Corporate Office Address

1001 Locust Street
Kansas City, 64106

Website icon




Number of Employees

5,001 - 10,000 Employees

Company Revenue


JE Dunn Construction Org

JE Dunn Construction’s Tech Stack

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FAQs image

Frequently Asked Questions About
JE Dunn Construction

Who is JE Dunn Construction’s CEO?

JE Dunn Construction’s CEO is Greg Lorei

Who is JE Dunn Construction’s CFO?

JE Dunn Construction’s CFO is Beth Soukup

Where is the JE Dunn Construction headquarters?

JE Dunn Construction’s HQ is located at 1001 Locust Street, Kansas City

What is the JE Dunn Construction’s main phone number?

JE Dunn Construction’s phone number is +1 816-292-8605

What is the JE Dunn Construction’s official website?

JE Dunn Construction’s official website is

What is JE Dunn Construction’s Revenue?

JE Dunn Construction’s revenue is $1B+

How many employees are working in JE Dunn Construction?

JE Dunn Construction has 5,001 - 10,000 employees

What industry is the JE Dunn Construction in?

JE Dunn Construction is in the industry of: Construction

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