Hollister Incorporated

About Hollister Incorporated

Hollister Incorporated is an independent, employee-owned company that develops, manufactures, and markets healthcare products and services worldwide. Our Mission is to make life more rewarding and dignified for people who use our products and services. Throughout the company, there is the recognitio...

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Hollister Incorporated Company Information

Phone icon

Phone Number

+1 847-680-1000

Address icon

Corporate Office Address

2000 Hollister Drive
Libertyville, 60048

Number of Employees

5,001 - 10,000 Employees

Company Revenue


Hollister Incorporated Org

Hollister Incorporated’s Tech Stack

Adobe Creative Suite
FAQs image

Frequently Asked Questions About
Hollister Incorporated

Who is Hollister Incorporated’s CEO?

Hollister Incorporated’s CEO is Abinash Nayak

Who is Hollister Incorporated’s CFO?

Hollister Incorporated’s CFO is Lisa Evans

Where is the Hollister Incorporated headquarters?

Hollister Incorporated’s HQ is located at 2000 Hollister Drive, Libertyville

What is the Hollister Incorporated’s main phone number?

Hollister Incorporated’s phone number is +1 847-680-1000

What is the Hollister Incorporated’s official website?

Hollister Incorporated’s official website is hollister.com

What is Hollister Incorporated’s Revenue?

Hollister Incorporated’s revenue is $1B+

How many employees are working in Hollister Incorporated?

Hollister Incorporated has 5,001 - 10,000 employees

What industry is the Hollister Incorporated in?

Hollister Incorporated is in the industry of: Medical Device

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